Time: 14:30, Thursday, January 25, 2024, Beijing Time
Voov Meeting ID: 559-379-791 (also available on Facebook:
https://facebook.com/tsinghua and Twitter: https://twitter.com/tsinghua_uni)
Host: Dr. YU JIYANG, Professor, TUNEM Class Advisor
1.INTRODUCTION TO TUNEM by Dr. YANG YIGANG, Professor, Director of TUNEM & Deputy Dean of Department of Engineering Physics
2.STUDY EXPERIENCE SHARING by Ms. NAS, ZEYNEP SENA, 2022 TUNEM Student from Turkey, 2022 IAEA MSCFP Recipient, graduated from Kocaeli University
Scan the QR code to register:

TUNEM is a 2-year international master’s program for training high-level engineering and management talents in the field of nuclear power.
Who are we looking for
Excellent applicants with well-behaved personality, outstanding academics, and global vision, who are willing to continue their studies in China and, after graduation, to make contributions to the cooperation between China and their motherland.
Application Period
Application: Now——17:00 March 15, 2024 (Beijing Time)
Annual Intake: 30
NOTE: The application fee is 800 RMB, for those who only apply TUNEM, the application fee will be waived.
Program’s Features
by Tsinghua University and three major nuclear power corporations in China
➢Full scholarship
Including tuition, accommodation, living expenses and insurance, female students are privileged to be nominated to IAEA Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellowship (in kind).
➢Unique Cultural Experience
in China and with TUNEMers from all over the world
➢Job opportunity
Research project from nuclear corporation supervised by dual supervisors, one from Tsinghua, one from the corporation.
➢1/2-year internship
in China’s leading nuclear power corporations
➢Courses in English
Specially designed
●Official link for Admission to TUNEM 2024:
●Apply Now: https://yzbm.tsinghua.edu.cn/intlLogin
Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University
E-mail: gwyjs@tsinghua.edu.cn
Tel: 86-10-62782677
Fax: 86-10-62782658