From March 17th to 23rd, with the support of CNNC, the TUNEM team headed to Ukraine and Bulgaria for the introduction of the TUNEM program to prospective students. Professor Gao Zhe, the director of TUNEM, and members of the team visited the governments, related enterprises, top universities, the embassies of P.R.C. in the two countries to introduce TUNEM and discuss the cooperation potential in the future.
The TUNEM Team attended a round table discussion “Potential of Cooperation with Chinese Educational Institutions and State Companies in Nuclear Energy Sector and Professional Staff Training” in Ukraine. Professor Gao Zhe gave a speech on “Education in Nuclear Science in Tsinghua University” and discussed TUNEM introduction in Ukraine with the delegates from government departments and universities.

Professor Gao Zhe introducing TUNEM Communication with delegates from government and universities
During their trip in Bulgaria, the TUNEM Team visited Ms. Petkova, the Energy Ministry of Bulgaria, and Mr. Manchev, the Chairman of Bulatom, who expressed that they would support TUNEM and looked forward to strengthening cooperation in the field of nuclear energy between the two countries.

The TUNEM Team with Ms. Petkova The TUNEM Team with Mr. Manchev
The TUNEM Team visited National Technical University of Ukraine, National University “Lviv Poiytechnic” and Technical University of Sofia to discuss joint education and research with professors from above universities and introduce TUNEM to students. Professor Gao Zhe presented the features of TUNEM and explained the application details while students in the three universities showed keen interest in this program and expressed their desire to study in China.

The TUNEM Team in the three universities

Students attending the introduction of Professor Gao Zhe to TUNUM
In addition to disseminating TUNUM, the TUNEM Team also visited the Embassy of P.R.C. in Ukraine and Embassy of P.R.C. in Bulgaria. After Professor Gao Zhe reported the current status of the program to Mr. Zhang Ming and Mr. Wang Xuekun, they showed solicitudes for TUNEM and their support for collaboration between universities from the two countries.

The TUNEM Team visit to the Embassy of P.R.C. in Ukraine The TUNEM Team visit to the Embassy of P.R.C. in Bulgaria