High Intensity D-D/D-T Neutron Generator at Lanzhou University
Engineering Research Center for Neutron Application Technology (ERCNAT) has devoted efforts to developing fusion neutron source and compact accelerator fusion neutron source, establishing advanced and complete fast neutron monitoring system and measuring equipment for researches of fast neutron physics, and establishing a first-class fusion neutron research laboratory in China. The independent development of high intensity D-D/D-T neutron generator from ERCNAT, the neutron yields up to 1012n/s for D-T fast neutron generator and 1010n/s for D-D fast neutron generator.
The neutron generators which the yields respectively are 1010n/s, 1011n/s and 1012n/s, independently developed by the ERCNAT, have successively won the award of Gansu science, first prize for scientific and technological progress of the state education commission, the third award of the state scientific and technological progress and second prize for scientific and technological progress of Gansu education commission, etc.
In recent years, with the high demand for neutron physics and the development trend of neutron application technology in industry, agriculture, environment and geology in the research and development of new nuclear energy systems, our institute will focus on the following aspects in the future: (1) Researches and developments of high intensity neutron generator with higher yield and basic research on neutron physics and neutron application technology (2) Researches and development of neutron source in compact long-life accelerator for industrial field application and development of neutron application technology (3) Researches on fission physics of neutron-induced long-lived actinide nuclides for a new type of nuclear energy system (4) Development of fast neutron and thermal neutron imaging technology and neutron imaging system (5) Researches on neutron breeding, neutron logging and neutron activation analysis.
Moreover, the center possessed Cockcroft-Walton electron accelerator, the system of neutron measurement, research and development platform of ion source, high voltage power supply experimental platform and experimental device of low background gamma measurement. And it can provide technical support and measurement services for the development, operation and maintenance of high intensity D-D/D-T neutron generator.

图1. 兰州大学强流D-D/D-T中子发生器
Fig.1 High Intensity D-D/D-T Neutron Generator at Lanzhou University
Compact D-D/D-T Neutron Generator at Lanzhou University
Compact D-D/D-T neutron generator is the key equipment for developing miniaturized neutron radiography and neutron activation analysis system. It has important application value in nuclear material testing, non-destructive testing of aerospace components (such as, blade of aviation engine, spacecraft ), anti-terrorism verification, etc.
By studying the characteristics of neutron sources in D-T, D-D and D-Be reaction accelerators, the Engineering Research Center for Neutron Application Technology (ERCNAT) has mastered the key technical issues of advanced ion source selection, ion beam extraction, acceleration system design, target system design and secondary electron suppression system design. ERCNAT also developed a multi-purpose compact neutron generator for neutrons (D-T neutrons, D-D neutrons and D-Be neutrons) independently which can produce neutrons of many energies. At present, it is the first compact neutron generator in China.
The compact neutron generator has the advantages of movability, disassembling, maintenance-friendly and long service life. In particular, compact D-D or D-Be neutron generator has long life and low cost which can adopt self-injection target mode or metal Be target Furthermore, it does not involve with nuclear materials and radioactive tritium target, so it has better safety. It is only 1.0m in length and less than 25cm in diameter. As a result, it is suitable for measuring stations, industrial field, coastal crossings and other places. It is a preparation for the wide application of neutron activation analysis, fast neutron photography and neutron explosive detection in civil fields.

图2. 兰州大学紧凑型D-D/D-T中子发生器
Fig.2 Compact D-D/D-T Neutron Generator at Lanzhou University
目前,采用Multi-layer模型评价了氘离子轰击氘钛靶(TiDx)、氚钛靶(TiTx)和厚金属铍(Be)靶发生(d,n)反应产生的中子辐射场分布。计算得到了氘束能量小于Ed=1.0 MeV范围内,厚靶D-D和D-T反应加速器中子源的中子产额、能谱和角分布数据;计算得到了氘束能量在Ed=0.5-20.0 MeV范围内,厚靶D-Be反应加速器中子源的中子产额、能谱和角分布数据。
Evaluation on Neutrons Distributions for Accelerator-based Neutron Source
Engineering Research Center for Neutron Application Technology (ERCNAT) has developed Multi-layer model to evaluate neutrons distributions for accelerator-based D-D, D-T and D-Be neutron sources, including neutron yields, neutron energy distributions and neutron angular distributions. This work can provide accurate neutron field distributions data and neutron field distributions model for neutron physics and neutron application technology.
Neutron energy spectrum, angular distribution, and integrated yield of 2H(d,n)3He and 3H(d,n)4He reaction with deuteron-energy lower than 1.0 MeV are calculated by the Multi-layer model. The integrated neutron yield of 2H(d,n)3He or 3H(d,n)4He neutron source changes along with increasing deuteron energy. There are also different integrated neutron yields for TiDxor TiTx targets. Moreover, neutron energy spectrum of 2H(d,n)3He or 3H(d,n)4He neutron source with widening distributions are different for different neutron emission-angle. The Multi-layer model is also developed to calculate the neutron energy spectrum, angular distribution, and integrated yield of the 9Be(d,xn) reaction on a thick beryllium target as an accelerator-based neutron source in the incident-deuteron-energy range from 0.5 to 20.0 MeV. Typical computational results are presented, and are compared with the previous experimental data to evaluate the computing model as well as the characteristics of the 9Be(d,xn) reaction with a thick Be target.

图3. 厚靶D-D/D-T加速器中子源中子积分产额分布
Fig.3 Neutron yields for accelerator-based D-D/D-T neutron sources

图4. 厚靶D-D/D-T加速器中子源中子能谱分布@Ed=400 keV
Fig.4 Neutron energy distributions for accelerator-based D-D/D-T neutron sources

图5. 厚靶D-D/D-T加速器中子源中子角产额分布
Fig.5 Neutron angular distributions for accelerator-based D-D/D-T neutron sources
图6. 厚靶D-Be加速器中子源中子积分产额分布
Fig.6 Neutron yields for accelerator-based D-Be neutron sources

图7. 厚靶D-Be加速器中子源中子能谱分布@Ed=7.0, 13.5, 17.0, 20.0 MeV
Fig.7 Typical neutron energy distributions for accelerator-based D-Be neutron sources

图8. 厚靶D-Be加速器中子源中子角产额分布
Fig.8 Neutron angular distributions for accelerator-based D-Be neutron sources
姚泽恩 教授