岳 骞




























● 2000.09-2003.06  中国科学院高能物理研究所,粒子物理与原子核物理专业,博士;

● 1995.09-1998.07  中国原子能科学研究院,实验核物理专业,硕士;

● 1989.09-1993.07  内蒙古大学物理系,物理专业,本科。

● 2017.12 - 至今  suncitygroup太阳新城,研究员、首席研究员;

● 2005.06 - 2017.11 suncitygroup太阳新城,工程师、高级工程师、副研究员;

● 2003.08 - 2005.05 suncitygroup太阳新城,博士后。

● 讲授研究生课《现代辐射探测与测量》

● 粒子物理实验:暗物质直接探测实验、无中微子双贝塔衰变实验、反应堆中微子和太阳中微子实验等;

● 核技术应用:宇宙线辐射成像、高灵敏度中子探测等;

● 先进辐射探测技术:高纯锗探测器、液体和固体闪烁探测器、高位置分辨气体探测器等。


  ● 2018年-2022年 高纯锗探测器稀有事例探测实验,国家杰出青年科学基金,项目负责人;

  ● 2017年-2022年 高纯锗阵列直接探测暗物质实验,国家重点研发计划“大科学装置前沿研究”重点专项,首席科学家;

  ● 2015年-2018年 高纯锗暗物质实验低能量区探测器中子和伽马本底研究,国家自然科学基金-面上项目,项目负责人;

  ● 2014年-2016年 中国锦屏地下实验室二期建设关键科学和技术问题研究,国家自然科学基金-委主任基金项目,主要参加人;

  ● 2012年-2014年 高纯锗阵列暗物质实验预研,国家973计划项目“暗物质理论研究和实验预研”课题,课题负责人;

  ● 2013年-2016年 新型HPGe 探测器开展0υ2β实验的关键技术问题研究,国家自然科学基金-面上项目,项目负责人;

  ● 2011年-2013年 极低能量阈高纯锗阵列探测器直接探测暗物质实验中的物理和关键技术问题研究,国家自然科学基金-委主任基金项目,主要参加人;

  ● 2011年-2013年 采用高纯锗探测器的极低本底实验中锗晶体内部宇生放射性的实验研究,国家自然科学基金-面上项目,项目负责人;

  ● 2010年-2013年 用于暗物质探测的极低能阈 HPGe 探测系统的实验研究,国家自然科学基金-重点项目,主要参加人。


  [1] Direct Detection Constraints on Dark Photons with the CDEX-10 Experiment at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory, Z. She, L. P. Jia, Q. Yue*, et al. (CDEX Collaboration), PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 124(11):111301, 2020.

  [2] Improved limits on solar axions and bosonic dark matter from the CDEX-1B experiment using the profile likelihood ratio method, Y. Wang, Q. Yue*, S. K. Liu*, et al. (CDEX Collaboration), PHYSICAL REVIEW D 101, 052003, 2020.

  [3] Constraints on Spin-Independent Nucleus Scattering with sub-GeV Weakly Interacting Massive Particle Dark Matter from the CDEX-1B Experiment at the China JinPing Laboratory, Z. Z. Liu, Q. Yue*, L.T. Yang*, et al. (CDEX Collaboration), PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. 123.161301, 2019.

  [4] Search for Light Weakly-Interacting-Massive-Particle Dark Matter by Annual Modulation Analysis with a Point-Contact Germanium Detector at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory, L. T. Yang, H. B. Li, Q. Yue*, et al. (CDEX Collaboration), PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 123, 221301, 2019.

  [5] Performances of a prototype point-contact germanium detector immersed in liquid nitrogen for light dark matter search, Hao Jiang, LiTao Yang, Qian Yue*, et al. (CDEX Collaboration), SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY V62(3) 2019.

  [6] Study on cosmogenic activation in germanium detectors for future tonne-scale CDEX experiment, JingLu Ma, Qian Yue*, ShinTed Lin, et al. SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY V62(1) 2019.

  [7] Limits on Light Weakly Interacting Massive Particles from the First 102.8 kg × day Data of the CDEX-10 Experiment, H Jiang, L.P. Jia, Q. Yue*, et al. (CDEX Collaboration), PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 120, 241301, 2018.

  [8] Bulk and surface event identification in p-type germanium detectors, L.T. Yang, H.B. Li, …… Q. Yue*, et al. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 886 (2018) 13-23, 2018.

  [9] Limits on light WIMPs with a 1 kg-scale germanium detector at 160 eVee physics threshold at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory, Li-Tao Yang, Hau-Bin Li, Qian Yue*, et al. (CDEX Collaboration), Chinese Physics C, Volume 42, No.2, 023002, 2018.

  [10]The China Jinping Underground Laboratory and Its Early Science, Jian-Ping Cheng, Ke-Jun Kang, Jian-Min Li, Jin Li, Yuan-Jing Li, Qian Yue*, Zhi Zeng*, Yun-Hua Chen, Shi-Yong Wu, Xiang-Dong Ji, and Henry T. Wong*, Annu. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 67:231–51, 2017 https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-nucl-102115-044842, arXiv:1801.00587, 2017.

  [11] First results on 76Ge neutrinoless double beta decay from CDEX-1 experiment, Wang Li, Yue Qian*, Kang Kejun, et al. (CDEX Collaboration), Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 60, 071011, 2017.

  [12] Constraints on Axion couplings from the CDEX-1 experiment at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory, S.K. Liu, Q. Yue*, K.J. Kang, et al. (CDEX Collaboration), Physical Review D, 95, 052006, 2017.

  [13] Study of inactive layer uniformity and charge collection efficiency of a p-type point-contact germanium detector, J.L. Ma, Q. Yue*, Q. Wang, et al. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, V127, 130-136, 2017.

  [14] Search of low-mass WIMPs with a p-type point contact germanium detector in the CDEX-1 experiment, W. Zhao, Q. Yue*, K.J. Kang, et al. (CDEX Collaboration), Physical Review D, V93, 092003, 2016.

  [15] Measurement of the dead layer thickness in a p-type point contact germanium detector, Hao Jiang, Qian Yue*, Yulan Li, et al., Chinese Physics C, Volume 40, No.9, 096001, 2016.

  [16] Measurement of photoelectron yield of the CDEX-10 liquid argon detector prototype, Qinghao Chen, Qian Yue*, Jianping Cheng, et al., Chinese Physics C, Volume 40, No.11, 116002, 2016.

  [17] Measurement of intrinsic radioactive backgrounds from the 137Cs and U/Th chains in CsI(Tl) crystals, LIU Shu-Kui, YUE Qian*, LIN Shin-Ted, et al. Chinese physics C, 39, 046002, 2015.

  [18] Recent status and prospect of CDEX and CJPL, S.K. Liu and Q. Yue*, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A, 30, 1545007, 2015.

  [19] Limits on light weakly interacting massive particles from the CDEX-1 experiment with a p-type point-contact germanium detector at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory, Q. Yue*, W. Zhao, K.J. Kang, et al. (CDEX Collaboration), Physical Review D V90, 091701, 2014.

  [20] Limits on light WIMPs with a germanium detector at 177 eVee threshold at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory, S.K. Liu, Q. Yue*, K.J. Kang, et al. (CDEX Collaboration), Physical Review D, 90, 032003, 2014

  [21] First results on low-mass WIMPs from the CDEX-1 experiment at the China Jinping underground laboratory, W. Zhao, Q. Yue*, K. J. Kang, et al. (CDEX Collaboration), PHYSICAL REVIEW D 88, 052004, 2013.

  [22] Simulation of large-scale fast neutron liquid scintillation detector, Haoyang Xing, Li Wang, Jingjun Zhu, Changjian Tang, Qian Yue*, Chinese physics C, 37, 026003, 2013.

  [23] Measurement of cosmic ray flux in the China JinPing underground laboratory, Yucheng Wu, Xiqing Hao*, Qian Yue*, et al. Chinese Physics C, Volume 37, 086001, 2013.

  [24] Dark matter search with sub-keV germanium detectors at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory, Qian Yue and Henry T. Wong*, Mod. Phys. Lett. A, 28, 1340007, 2013.

  [25] CDEX-1 1 kg point-contact germanium detector for low mass dark matter searches, Kejun Kang, Qian Yue*, Yucheng Wu, et al. (CDEX Collaboration), Chinese Physics C, Volume 37, 126002, 2013.

● 中国暗物质实验(CDEX)合作组共同协调人、实验组组长

● 中国锦屏地下实验室(CJPL)物理科学部主任

● 美国自然科学基金(NSF)PIRE-GEMADARC项目中方负责人

●  Chinese Physics C期刊审稿人

●  European Physics Journal C期刊审稿人

●  Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron.期刊审稿人

●  Nuclear Inst. And Methods in Physics Research A期刊审稿人

●  Nuclear Science and Techniques期刊审稿人

● 2017年,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者

● 2013年,国家科学技术进步奖(创新团队),团队成员

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